Company Details

  • Safety MAP (OH&S Management System)
    - initial level
  • DLIQ Quality Assured.
  • Full Public Liability & Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • All staff trained to industry OH&S requirements
    including Traffic Management.
  • Qualified, Experienced and Professional
    Arborists, Tree Climbers and Staff.
  • All staff Certified work place First Aiders.
  • Approved Vegetation Management
    in the Electrical Environment.
  • Tree Supply, Planting and Establishment
Eagle Travel Tower Services Pty Ltd
ABN 50 070 093 766
PO Box 341
Kilmore VIC 3764
Phone: 1300 887 088
Fax: 03 57 841 165
Eagle Travel Tower Services operate from the belief that you don't simply 'lop' a tree. You have to maintain it using proven techniques that guide tree growth so that it doesn't simply conform to requirements, but demonstrates them. These techniques are taken from modern Arboriculture, a science in which all our employees are trained. This kind of maintenance is effective; thereby ensuring the job is done correctly the first time. We also offer our Arborists as Consultants. Our service includes a visit by an Arborist to fully explain the requirements of each job.